
Contraception and Catholicism: What the Church Teaches and Why is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Angela Franks presents readers with a comprehensive look at the Catholic Church’s view on contraception, the meaning and purpose of sex as love and life, and unity and procreation. After she herself questioned the Church’s teaching on contraception—teaching many people see as outdated and misogynistic—Franks came to understand the Church’s position as simply aligned with the reality of our...

contraception (a percentage close to 100 percent, while the percentage of married couples using contraception in the general public is more like 85 percent). While he acknowledges that cause and effect cannot be directly proven, he asserts, “In my experience, no single factor as directly and as gravely injurious to marriage as taught by [the] Church occurs nearly as frequently in the histories of those who eventually divorce as does contraception.”9 He concludes that, even if birth control does not
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